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Birth injuries may happen either before, during or just after birth


Birth injuries may happen either before, during or just after birth and typically tend to involve oxygen deprivation to the child’s brain. These kinds of birth injuries are usually referred to as hypoxic brain injuries and in most cases, the child’s life will never be normal. Depending on how severe the birth injury is, the child may require medical care for the rest of their lives and never know what living a normal life means, explained the spokesperson.

The parents in this case were expecting a normal delivery and weren’t anticipating any difficulties with their baby. They trusted their doctor to do the right thing. Unfortunately, while the doctor was trying to do the right thing, he made three egregious errors that forever changed the baby’s life. He burst the membranes in her head, didn’t resuscitate her properly and didn’t immediately order a C-section. This resulted in medical malpractice.

As a direct result of this doctor’s errors, the baby sustained a hypoxic brain injury and for the rest of her life she and her parents will deal with her inability to hear properly, her learning disabilities and her cerebral palsy, indicated the report. Hospitals and doctors in Nassau and Suffolk Counties have had to learn to deal with these situations.

For anyone who suspects that their baby has sustained birth injuries, it’s advisable to contact a competent rep and find out what a medical malpractice case involved. They are complicated, convoluted and take a fair length of time to settle or go to court. This is why time is of the essence in speaking to a knowledgeable med mal lawyer right away.

If you don’t get your claim filed prior to the Statute of Limitations deadlines, then you will be barred from seeking compensation. Do not delay, contact a New York Medical Malpractice Attorney today. Only a New York Medical Malpractice Attorney can give you the experience you will need to achieve the best possible outcome.

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