
Articles Posted in Neurological Malpractice


An action to recover damages for medical malpractice was filed.

An action to recover damages for medical malpractice was filed. The defendant was found by the court, on the issue of liability, to be 75% at fault and the plaintiff 25% at fault in the causation of the plaintiff’s injuries; and, on the issue of damages, that the plaintiff sustained…


University of Miami doctors get protection from Malpractice Suits

The University of Miami has been trying to protect its doctors from malpractice suits for years. They finally managed to do this explained a well-known Medical MalpracticeLawyer. Florida lawmakers have agreed to extend the lawsuit protection to university doctors when they are working in a public hospital. It’s suspected that…


North Carolina Medical Malpractice Laws Getting An Overhaul

A bill in North Carolina’s Senate may send shockwaves throughout the medical community in the state, believes a doctor. The bill, which would limit all Medical Malpractice verdicts to $250,000 for non-economical damages, has some strong supporters and some equally strong opposition. A non-economical damage is described as pain, suffering…

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