

A woman who was injured after her wrist injury was misdiagnosed has been successful in her medical malpractice case. The problem began when the woman went to her family doctor complaining of pain and swelling of her right wrist. The family doctor suspected that the problem was carpel tunnel syndrome. The doctor ordered nerve conduction studies, and followed a very general and conservative course of treatment. When the nerve conduction studies proved to be normal, and the conservative course of treatment did not relieve the woman’s wrist pain and swelling, the family doctor referred her to an orthopedic surgeon who specialized in musculoskeletal conditions of the wrist and hand. The orthopedic surgeon diagnosed the woman’s condition as Quervain’s disease, which is a condition caused by a compression of the sheath encircling the tendons along the thumb side of the wrist. In turn, this compression creates pain, and diminishes the useful function of the wrist and hand. Initially, the surgeon treated the condition with anti-inflammatory medication and a splint. When this was unsuccessful, the surgeon performed an operation to release the tendon sheath and the tendons; during the operation, the surgeon discovered that the tendons were normal. After this, the woman went back to her family doctor, who referred her to a rheumatologist. The rheumatologist diagnosed the problem as a different condition – reflex sympathetic dystrophy. The woman then brought a New York medical malpractice Lawyer in to bring an action against the surgeon.

At trial, the jury found that the surgeon departed from good and accepted medical practice by failing to gather and consult the complete set of medical records from the family doctor, by incorrectly diagnosing the condition as Quervain’s disease, and by not doing additional testing after the surgical procedure to release the tendons led to the discovery that the tendons were normal. The jury further found that the surgeon’s actions delayed the rheumatologist in making the correct diagnoses, and that as a result of this delay the reflex sympathetic dystrophy could not be effectively treated. The jury awarded the woman $2,500,000.00.

If you or someone you know ahs been injured by a misdiagnoses or by an unnecessary surgical procedure, then you need a New York medical malpractice lawyer.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates and its New york Medical Malpractice Lawyers with convenient locations in the New York Metropolitan Area including Baldwin, N.Y. can be of invaluable assistance to you if you find yourself a victim of medical malpractice. Enduring pain, disfigurement and financial anguish without professional representation is not the path you should choose.

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