
No Compensation Agreed in Medical Malpractice Case

A man has spent over 21 years in a coma due to mistakes which were made during cosmetic surgery. While the family claims that this is due to medical malpractice, the insurance company has refused to offer any compensation to pay for treatment.

The family hired a Lawyer to handle the case. The lawyer helped the family to file a case against the hospital. The lawsuit is trying to get 1.65 million euros for the family. This amount is considered to be far too high by the insurance company who have declined to offer this much compensation.

The family is not pleased with the outcome of the insurance company’s decision. They are upset by the treatment they have received and feel that they were not treated fairly at the short hearing. The family mentioned that they will continue trying to fight to get compensation for the mistakes which were made.

The family has spent a long time trying to fight for compensation. They have been attempting to do this since mistakes were made during the operation. This has left their son in a troubled position where he is unable to move. He is in a coma which means he is in a vegetative state. The expert mentions that the family has not received any assistance towards the financial costs of caring for their son while in this condition.

The insurance company treated the family like criminals. The actually accused them of trying to commit fraud and extort money from the company. The father of the son was outraged by this and said that he was only doing everything possible to provide for his son.

The rep who has practiced in Staten Island and Westchester noted that if the insurance company and family are unable to reach a settlement then they will need to bring a new case before the Supreme Court. However, the original case saw the hospital cleared of negligence which meant the family had to pay €400,000 in legal bills for the case.

After a new witness has offered new evidence to the case, the Supreme Court will review the case. This witness says that the anesthetist left the room during surgery which was an obvious example of being negligent.

If anyone you know is hurt or injured as a result of cosmetic surgery then you should talk to a New York Medical Malpractice Attorney straight away. A New York Medical Malpractice Attorney will be able to advise you if you have a case, and how to fight it.

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