Articles Posted in Nursing Home Error

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Falls are problem in nursing homes, often stemming from negligence in care practices. Many residents are vulnerable due to age-related frailty or medical conditions that impair mobility and balance. Proper safety measures, such as adequate staffing, regular monitoring, and personalized care plans, are crucial to prevent falls. Negligence occurs when these practices are not properly implemented, leading to unnecessary risks. Common oversights include failing to use bed alarms, inadequate supervision, and not adjusting care to account for medication effects. Such negligence can result in falls that cause severe injuries or even fatalities among elderly residents.

Hernandez v. Amsterdam Nursing Home Corp. (1992), 2019 N.Y. Slip Op. 32815 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2019) involves an allegation of  nursing home and medical malpractice following the death of a 67-year-old woman under their care who suffered serious injuries following a fall.

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